👨💻 How be a hacker, in 7 steps
written in 16/09/21 by KevBoyz-
Know and master operating systems
A hacker must be versatile and use any system operational, if you never used linux, or windows the first step is to become familiar with the systems, and eventually master them and know its strengths and weaknesses, discover its secret features and be able to take advantage of them, making your job easier. That's when Hacker thinking starts and the student takes a new view of technology.
Study about hacking
Now that you have the necessary knowledge to handle operating systems and successfully carry out their daily activities, the time comes to study hacking, to know what types of hacking are, types of viruses and types of hackers, this knowledge will help you understand what it really is hacking, providing a basis for the studies that are to come.
This part is strictly necessary to become a successful hacker, you need to know how to program. Programming will lead you to an understanding of how the programs work and what is the logic used in them, finally, consolidating a mindset hacker. You really should really deepen your knowledge in programming and this process requires a lot of determination. In my case, I got a significant evolution over 10 months studying 2 hours a day, but that's from person to person. Create your own projects and deal with bugs, all this will help you a lot like hacker. The language I recommend to study is Python, as it is simple and with it you can do practically everything like automations, games, terminal tools, graphical interfaces, artificial intelligence, machine learning and many others.
Develop websites
As important as programming and from that point on you should have already understood that before destroying, it is necessary to build. Study Html, CSS and Javascript, create a blog, an utilitarian website like a calculator, learn about database with a registration site for example, spend a lot of time creating sites and fill them with content, all your knowledge will come into real use from now on.
Use what you know
You know how to program, develop websites and you already know what kind of hacker you are, now fulfill small goals and experience a taste of information, it's time to do what you want with what you know, control computers remotely, run a keylogger and spy on someone, maybe a ransoware is interesting, it consists of encrypting files. Anyway have fun, but don't forget don't draw too much attention or do something so harmful, your activities can still be tracked anyway. using proxy, vpn and the Tor browser, by the way, your wish is to enter the deep web? I anticipate that there is nothing of extraordinary there but it's worth it for the experience, be careful not to contaminate your machine and if you are interested, try to learn about .onion servers
Use Kali Linux
I think this information is obvious but from here you will do big things, don't reveal yourself hacker for whoever is close to you, as these people may be indicting you by strangers processes on your devices. Kalilinux, the hacker system, focused on penetration testing, did you know that companies can they literally pay you to hack them? It's called a bug bount. Learning about Kali will give you a range of possibilities, first of all it is necessary to have the system, I recommend installing it on a virtual machine or pendrive but feel free to do as you please. The system has dozens of tools for different approaches, such as spoofing, brute force, sql injection, dos and ddos. All these tools are quite complete and require study to be used, over time you will get used to the large command syntaxes full of options that will enable you to eg crash a pc on your local network with a denial of service attack (using hping3) or breaking into a website to steal data or simply putting a meme on the homepage.
Join a group
The union is strength and there are more hacker groups than you can imagine, there are good, bad or anti-hero groups that have their own goals and if you joining one of them will achieve relevance and perform great actions in the virtual world, but it goes from group to group, anyway, don't reveal your personal data like name or address to members, all in a group and thus must be unknown, it is recommended to hide even your voice to keep you safe.
I read the article, now what?
All topics are very narrow and do not reflect their true sizes, the idea of this production is that you neglect on your own what prowls the technological world, this is my goodbye and remember, nothing prevents you from to study hacking, since it is not a crime, to have knowledge, the punishment comes from what is done with it.